Living Longer Living Stronger Program
Living Longer Living Stronger is a progressive training program designed to improve your strength and fitness. Normally, you attend classes held in a local gym, council facility or community centre and gradually increase the level of work you do to develop your strength. Vintage Fitness has been selected to deliver this program and has accredited exercise professionals that will help clients improve their fitness.
As well as increasing strength, other likely benefits of the program include:
- improved balance
- increased mobility
- reduced risk of falls
- preventing or managing arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease speeding up recovery from illness reducing lower back pain improved ability to undertake daily living tasks
- opportunities for social interaction
- improvement in self-esteem and mental wellbeing
Classes are held weekly. Please check the website for class times and to book into the class.
What to expect
After completing the enrolment form and the initial assessment, participants will then be able to attend the classes.
All participants have an individual program which is completed in a class setting.
It doesn’t matter if you are unfit, or you have never done an exercise class before. You will have an individual program but will take part in a class that is designed for people of all levels of ability.
Among other things, this gives you the opportunity to socialise with like-minded people!
About the Trainers
You are in good hands! The trainers are all qualified exercise professionals who have undertaken a special program to be accredited with Living Longer Living Stronger. They have a good understanding of the needs of older people and we will create a friendly environment that you will feel comfortable in.
Before beginning the program
You will need to:
1. Complete the pre exercise questionnaire
2. Call Andrew on 0403 822 512 to book your initial assessment
3. Register your details on PTMINDER and book your first class.
- The cost for the initial assessment is $65